
Memorias USB #2: The USB drive that meowed

USB drives these days come shaped like everything from ducks to rockstar jewellery, but Taiwanese firm Panram sets the standard for others to follow with its 256MB Cat Bar, which both looks like a cat (well, sort of) and meows when you plug it in (well, sort of; see below). This silliness belies a useful spec—USB2.0, an app that enables you to send and receive mail from your own account on any computer, password protection, etc. Unfortunately, you apparently need to install the software that comes with it to get the meow, and it’s your computer that does the meowing rather than the device itself. If that makes you feel cheated and bitter, you may feel more attracted to Panram’s range of natty Lego-like drives, which can be stacked up to make colourful little houses of data storage that your kids can throw at things and break.
Fuente : Engadget

The Toy

We all send romantic, suggestive text messages to our partners, often deliberately to get them going. Imagine if these texts could touch the body as well as the mind. Thanks to new technology, now they can. Mental images and physical sensations are one with The Toy. Your text fantasies are no longer confined to the imagination. With The Toy you can unite, wherever you are...

What is The Toy?

The Toy is a hi-tech vibrating bullet. Connected to a mobile phone with Bluetooth it becomes an intimate, silent connection between two lovers, regardless of distance. Custom designed for your pleasure, it is intelligent, sophisticated and invented for bliss.

The Toy is worn internally, linked to a mobile phone and controlled by sms text messages sent to the phone. Once read, the message is transported automatically to The Toy, which turns it into vibrations - with a huge range of movements, depending on what you have written. Just say what you feel, The Toy will do the rest.

In VMax mode, The Toy is also a manual vibrator with powerful and varied motions. A rechargeable battery gives sufficient energy to play all day. When you're apart, The Toy is all you need.

The Toy can enhance your relationship! Regardless of where you are, shopping in town, at your place of work, or across an ocean, as long as you can get a signal on your mobiles, you can intimately connect. Imagine that fantasy...

The Toy
... It is reality


Baci!!! :x

Italia es una tierra de grandes cosas destacables, las obras de arte, la arquitectura de sus ciudades, sus helados, comida, reposteria... y por encima de todo ello los Bacis (beso en italiano). Ademas de ser un acto de amor, puede ser tangible gracias a los bombomes del mismo nombre que se comercializan en Italia y a traves de importadores en todo el mundo, y aunque un poco caros su exquisito sabor y sus frases poeticas, de famosos y anonimos autores, hacen de esta "chucheria" una de las mejores cosas de las que he disfrutado.




para todos aquellos que no sepan japones dispongo una traduccion literal ofracida por Syntra

"No ten years story before. The new creature was discovered with the unmanned island which leaves from a certain ruderal far. As for that creature the of mischief favorite because inspects still puzzle mainly at the big laboratory, in everything conveyance started in the city, but the car that load box that creature finished to meet to accident while conveying, spring out and escaping to town. As for name of that creature BOO (ブウ). BOO changes the color of the body with feeling, and atmosphere plays in various ways and accomplishes."

Relojes de moda #3

This watch is based on L.E.D. technology. The orange acrylic light pipe digits extrude out of the soft polyurethane strap. Time or date can only be presented when the appropriate button is accessed at hours 2 and 4, for easy repeated use. Grey plastic case and strap. 11 year warranty. Water resistant to 5 ATM. Comes in a Philippe Starck Museum Box

Relojes de moda #2

Designer Gina Reimann looks to the past for inspiration with her nomination for concept watch of the future. Billed as a sundial for the 22nd century, the Orbit use natural sunlight to tell the time with the help of a simple compass interface. At night, pushing a button illuminates a bright LED that simulates the sun’s shadow. And if that isn’t enough, there’s also a digital display of ‘world’ time - a hypothetical international time without time zones.

No word on whether this will will ever see the ‘light’ of day.

Relojes de moda #1

Desde el despertar de la historia en hombre ha tenido el ansia de controlar, medir y conocer el momento exacto en el que se encuentra. Los relojes mecanicos han hecho mas sencillo y preciso este cometido, pero a demas de cumplir una funcion aveces muy necesaria, a nadie le amarga un dulce. Es por ello que con el paso del tiempo se han perfeccionado estas maquinas hasta conseguir modelos verdaderamente exquisitos, de atractivas formas. La marca Little Clock Shop tiene muchos modelos muy fashion de vision innovadora, por lo que a relojes se refiere.

Breakdancing Transformers

Para aquellos amantes de los Transformers, y el disfrute de todos los aficionados a la animacion en 3D este clip nos muestra las grandes avilidades de estas maquinas.

Multipot Personal Electric Charger

The dual-function MultiPot Personal Electric Charger is the indispensable item for any owner of a cell phone, iPod or other rechargeable electronic device. Designed in the shape of a translucent bucket, the compact MultiPot solves the problem of messy recharging devices by socking away the electric cords in one easy-to-find and attractive spot. A 5-way multisocket is hidden in the lid where you store your gear, while the deeper base holds the tangle of unsightly cords. Doubling as an ambient LED light source that can gently illuminate a darkened room or shed a glow at night on your recharging cell phone, the MultiPot can cast light for 60,000 hours with a simple push of the button on the lid of the bucket.

Memorias USB #1: Mimobots the story

we, mimobots, have traveled a long time across multiple parallel systems to reach earth. we come from our beloved planet blõôh located in galaxy 4210 where we have been living harmoniously since the time of no age.

we are peaceful and joyful creatures essentially made of electronic silicon providing us with an extraordinary ability in memory. we love to live excessively and to embrace all pleasures that blõôh, friendship, and our electronic components can offer.

alas, this excess can be detrimental and so do we suffer from "flash events" that suddenly and totally raze our memory. triggered by a climactic joy, never-ending laugh, or shocking surprise, these flash events are epidemic and leave us in a constant state of haze.

no cure was to be near before our scientists discovered planet earth and the use by humans of electronic components to memorize information. at long last our maddest genius knowledgeus had the tools to complete his experimental flashportation process which theoretically could recreate and replenish a mimobot's memory through an amalgamation of other intelligent beings' memories.

humans can adopt and use flashported mimobot clones to save and carry their personal electronic data as with any USB flash drive. yet, these mimobot clones simultaneously retransmit their memory to RALF computer on planet blõôh who will directly regurgitate the upload into the digitized brain of the ill mimobot. eventually our friend in treatment will receive a full transfusion of concentrated fresh memory and will be freed from their mental confines to live their insouciant life again!

please take part in this incomparable adventure of human/mimobot symbiosis. make a change in your life on earth and ours on planet blõôh; adopt a mimobot from the lab or your friendly designer toy boutique worldwide (click for retailers). godspeed and shall you never lose your mind!


Hilo Musical On - Line

Local H0st es un host polones dedicado en linux que a demas de los servicios de hospedaje ofrece una radio a traves de internet de muy buena calidad, eso si, solo para iTunes

Cat Life

Si te gustan los gatos encontraras esta web de lo mas entrañable. En Cat Life podras ver diariamente fotos nuevas de los pequeños felinos caseros en las posturas mas graciosas y en los momentos mas inesperados.

Caprichos USB

Web muy interesnate, sobre todo si eres amante de los portatiles y otros cacharros por el estilo

Brand Infection

Brand Directory with Logo, Story, Slogans and Website
Directory of brand names and their stories, featuring logos, slogans and further online information, including the brand’s official homepage link.

Comida para cerebros

Nuestro cerebro es sólo el dos por ciento de nuestra masa corporal, pero requiere del veinte por ciento de la energía que consumimos. (Bill Bryson en A Short History of Nearly Everything.)

Fuente : Microsiervos

Mapas urbanos con telefonos moviles

Un grupo del MIT ha utilizado datos anónimos de varios miles de llamadas realizadas a través de teléfonos móviles en la ciudad austríaca de Graz para generar mapas en tiempo real de la ciudad y el uso de móviles en esta para el proyecto Digital Derive: mobile landscape | graz in realtime.

Estos datos incluyen información como la densidad de llamadas y su origen y destino, así como los movimientos realizados por los usuarios de los teléfonos por la ciudad.

Para los que realizaron el estudio, esto abre nuevas posibilidades en cuanto a estudio a planificación urbanos y al análisis de la ciudad como un todo dinámico, tal y como cuentan en la nota de prensa MIT researchers map city by cellphone.

A algunos les puede parece hasta una forma de hacer arte, no dejes de echar un ojo al All MIT Images [PDF 4,9 MB] que es el documento en el que se recogen los resultados del trabajo.

Fuente: Microsiervos

Le Figure

designer's own words:
Le Figure: Hitting, sitting, loving, hating – furnishing. A multifunctional public/home product, suitable for teenagers and people with a “young mind”. Le Figure wants to increase the possibilities for use and invites the user to interact. - Put your emotions into actions. Le Figure serves as someone to apply your frustration on when you are upset. It can be your friend to hug, talk to or dance with, as well as a laid back piece of furniture. The human like shape makes it an interesting graphic element, which gives it a strong presence in any environment. Change the face on Le Figure to make it personal and fit your desires. Print out your idol, loved one or enemy on a transfer film and attach it to the removable velcro face


Internet nos da la posibilidad de explorar nuevas experiencias o como minimo ver cosas que no veriamos de manera normal. Una de estas cosas es el sexo. Una muestra de ello es este Blog dedicado a la mujeres de pechos voluminosos.

El Buscador Definitivo: Myahoongles

Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, EBay, Wikipedia, Flickr... y un monton mas.


Sencillo a la par que elegante, probablemente el mejor de los micro ordenadores del momento.

El avion para la oficina

The Dream of an R/C airplane that can be piloted in the livingroom has been realized.
This is the world's lightest and smallest ready to fly R/C Model

Fly "missions" during TV Commercials, Indoors, In ANY WEATHER!

Full Proportional radio control enables you to fly with precision in any room 12' X 16'. Just add 4-AA batteries to the combination transmitter/charger and you'll be ready for action anytime

Take the Butterfly with you ANYWHERE in it's own protective aluminum briefcase (included!) You can safely take your Butterfly with you to work, school, holidays - anywhere.


Interact with your computer in a direct and natural way. With the TactaPad you can reach into your computer and use both of your hands. Just like the real world.
See — The TactaPad’s camera continually captures an image of your hands. Your hands are translucently overlaid on your display as live video.

Touch — The TactaPad is touched directly with the hands. The surface can be touched in multiple places at the same time. A cursor appears on your display for every touch.

Feel — The surface moves vertically when pressed, providing dynamic force feedback. Each touch has a unique feel which corresponds to the object being touched.

Productivity for Professionals

The TactaPad is designed for computer users whose productivity depends on how quickly and effectively they can interact with their computer. Learn more about how our tactile, immersive, two-handed input device can change the way you work.

Sushi-making Gadget

There are very few things in life that I love more than sushi. That magical combination of vinegary rice, raw fish, and wasabi, just sends my taste-buds singing. So imagine my delight when I found out about this crazy contraption, Sushi@Home, which makes devices to help you make sushi at home. The round device makes Nigiri, whereas the long oblong device makes Maki. The devices are fairly mechanical in nature; the Nigiri device just shapes the rice ball for you, and the Maki device allows for easy setup and rolling (it does mean you’ll get a square-ish Maki instead of a round one though). I don’t think making your own sushi is all that difficult in the first place if you have a bamboo mat and you know what you’re doing, but if you NEED proper measurements the Sushi@Home products might be for you. Both the Nigiri maker and the Maki roller go for $90 each, but if you get them together, they’ll go for $150.


Como ser un Hacker?

Verdaderamente uno de los documentos mas brillantes sobre lo que son lo hackers, su esencia y doctrina, sus valores y los consejos de hackers expertos.
Recomiendo su lectura a todos aquellos que empiecen con temas relacionados con la programacion y desarrollo de aplicaciones.

( · )( · )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus leo vel ante. Integer lectus pede, laoreet nec, aliquam eu, sollicitudin non, lorem. Donec convallis vestibulum sapien. Proin consectetuer, risus sit amet malesuada ornare, est eros auctor nibh, ut malesuada ipsum neque at elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ligula arcu, pretium a, feugiat eget, adipiscing id, mauris. Aenean odio. Integer fringilla fringilla magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed orci nisi, nonummy sit amet, cursus sed, tincidunt id, ante. Sed ultrices blandit quam. Nam nec ipsum. Praesent luctus elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Donec lacus lectus, consequat in, scelerisque congue, condimentum eget, metus. Proin orci sapien, gravida sit amet, dictum nec, ultrices quis, lectus. Nam tellus. Vestibulum ac lacus.

Duis ultricies nisi in dolor. Curabitur vitae libero vitae massa posuere scelerisque. Fusce suscipit, risus nec tristique volutpat, mi enim suscipit ante, ut porttitor mi eros at dolor. In lacinia odio. Cras lectus arcu, eleifend rhoncus, convallis at, semper vel, nulla. Nunc et lacus at orci fringilla sodales. Donec eu diam facilisis ligula elementum mollis. Donec sodales. In adipiscing dictum augue. Sed eget tellus. Morbi ipsum ante, ornare id, bibendum nec, consectetuer vitae, libero. Pellentesque nunc.

Proin euismod velit eu purus. Ut at ligula. Pellentesque lectus nisi, tempor sit amet, varius a, tincidunt sed, ligula. Praesent arcu enim, convallis et, adipiscing in, tincidunt aliquet, dui. Sed tempus velit ac velit. Proin semper sodales nisl. Nam posuere. Sed mollis nulla vitae lacus. Nam massa nisl, fermentum a, porta id, imperdiet scelerisque, arcu. Ut eu sapien at tortor dapibus blandit. Suspendisse vitae odio dapibus sapien vehicula placerat. Proin gravida. Aenean ut lectus non velit dignissim faucibus. Suspendisse adipiscing ante a mauris. Cras odio. Praesent sed neque sed eros vehicula egestas. Aenean non quam. Sed rutrum dapibus velit.

Morbi pulvinar volutpat turpis. Nunc libero erat, sagittis vel, malesuada at, mattis a, orci. Duis nisi diam, euismod eget, accumsan id, volutpat eu, dui. Suspendisse bibendum tempor dui. Praesent hendrerit dolor egestas turpis. Etiam sed turpis. Donec bibendum, enim ac posuere aliquam, massa augue blandit lorem, in pretium dui turpis eget augue. Etiam ut ligula quis enim tempus commodo. Sed venenatis. Sed pellentesque, orci sed interdum adipiscing, pede est porttitor diam, a consectetuer libero tellus sed magna. Nam vulputate mattis ligula. Vestibulum in nisl eu neque ultricies faucibus. Aliquam eget lectus nec pede lobortis semper. Vivamus ut mauris nec ligula scelerisque consectetuer. Pellentesque vehicula nunc sit amet nulla rutrum tristique. Suspendisse adipiscing nibh vitae arcu. Vestibulum convallis, massa at pretium cursus, libero tortor dignissim dui, ac posuere dolor dui non turpis. Quisque nunc justo, ultricies dapibus, imperdiet sit amet, egestas sit amet, odio. Sed et ligula. Mauris dictum feugiat mi.

Donec ultricies congue libero. Phasellus lectus odio, auctor in, sagittis sit amet, porttitor sit amet, mi. Vivamus bibendum est quis odio. Morbi tempus pharetra erat. Nam suscipit. Integer ligula ipsum, egestas non, convallis id, mattis sed, tortor. Morbi ut enim. Vestibulum vel tortor. Nullam quis tellus vel nisi sagittis egestas. Nullam blandit, magna non imperdiet laoreet, metus tellus viverra metus, et auctor tortor lectus ut orci. Etiam elementum lorem a ligula. Donec sit amet quam. Nunc ultricies volutpat urna. Vivamus vitae erat. Maecenas lobortis, turpis ut blandit porttitor, sem libero sodales lorem, eu tempus dolor nisl porttitor lorem. Phasellus a felis vitae magna blandit suscipit.

Sed non lectus. Aliquam pharetra, lacus mollis consectetuer malesuada, lorem augue pulvinar metus, id molestie turpis nulla nec justo. Mauris vehicula nonummy augue. Donec vel tellus feugiat erat vehicula ullamcorper. Phasellus sit amet quam. Proin aliquam fringilla nibh. Praesent et diam. Ut dui elit, egestas in, sagittis eget, consequat et, tortor. Vivamus at lorem quis magna luctus consequat. Aenean et magna eget arcu facilisis gravida. Maecenas semper, mi a convallis eleifend, velit quam rutrum ligula, eget luctus ipsum magna in est. Nullam tortor. Vivamus felis. Pellentesque convallis velit at urna. Vestibulum suscipit. Duis tristique suscipit lacus. Integer ut massa non tortor pulvinar porta. Maecenas posuere, dolor a faucibus tristique, erat mauris bibendum magna, at pharetra arcu nisl vulputate elit.

Nam commodo semper dolor. Ut cursus consequat sapien. Nam vitae nisi at est pretium auctor. Morbi placerat ipsum at diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus congue sapien et pede. Nam porttitor purus a odio. Cras non eros ac neque pharetra bibendum. Duis non augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur tellus magna, adipiscing vel, condimentum ut, commodo a, nibh. Donec ultricies libero sit amet arcu. Maecenas auctor ipsum eu turpis dignissim ultrices. Praesent pellentesque tortor eget augue. Vestibulum commodo pede id felis. Curabitur enim tortor, tempor at, condimentum eget, porttitor eu, neque.

Nam pharetra vestibulum augue. Donec iaculis, diam non euismod congue, mauris augue commodo justo, sit amet sollicitudin quam massa et nibh. Morbi magna. Vestibulum vel quam ac ipsum mollis aliquet. Morbi gravida tempor erat. Donec accumsan sagittis pede. Fusce velit ipsum, faucibus tempus, ultricies ut, tincidunt non, nulla. Nullam condimentum, lorem a tempor interdum, odio urna vestibulum dui, a eleifend ligula quam non neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam malesuada, massa sit amet lacinia ullamcorper, leo dolor varius lacus, eget commodo tellus quam sed nisl.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Ut nunc lectus, suscipit nec, scelerisque adipiscing, adipiscing convallis, erat. Nunc tincidunt. Phasellus luctus enim nec mi. Nullam turpis mauris, porttitor at, semper vitae, ullamcorper sit amet, metus. In consectetuer. Nulla ullamcorper nunc ac sapien. Donec eget urna. Integer pellentesque sodales metus. Sed pharetra nulla eu justo.

Phasellus placerat erat ut enim. Sed accumsan dolor vel lacus. Donec sed augue. Pellentesque varius, nulla quis lacinia ultrices, ante mi tincidunt sem, porttitor mollis magna turpis eget enim. Nam eu felis. Mauris malesuada risus et felis. Fusce nec nisi. Nulla feugiat elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque et nisl. Pellentesque risus massa, vulputate et, dictum ac, aliquam eu, enim. Proin magna sapien, tempor congue, dictum vitae, vulputate vel, est. Duis augue erat, dictum vel, fringilla sed, tempus quis, sapien. Nam purus turpis, feugiat ut, pretium tristique, posuere id, tellus. Etiam libero ante, mollis non, dignissim vitae, bibendum non, purus. Ut faucibus dolor quis elit. Sed vehicula turpis ac lectus. Donec scelerisque, est eget tristique vulputate, nunc urna luctus massa, faucibus pulvinar lectus nisi blandit arcu.